All tickets (childrens and adults) include breakfast and a whole load more! Scroll down to find out more!
Have a look and see everything you will get with your tickets to this fantastic Breakfast with Santa Event:
Meet and greet with Santa with photo opportunity
A gift from Santa with every childs ticket
Soft play
Bacon or sausage sandwich with every childs and every adults ticket
Play games with Ellie the Elf and help her save the day!
Lots of Christmas activities and fun throughout
It's the most wonderful and most magical time of the year. The kids are always in the highest of spirits and meeting Santa on Christmas Eve makes the whole season more magical than ever.
Our kids just love meeting up with Ellie the Elf, having amazing fun playing games that develop their imagination, focus, communication, coordination and self esteem! Really good development disguised as amazing fun that kids LOVE! Shhhh... they never need to know.
Sets the bar very high for soft play centres. I think it had a lot of work to do to build up a good reputation from the days of ' Funky Farm' and has done so with bells on.
Get booked! It’s a way to meet new people, for your child to socialise with their peers & to eat good food!
Coming here really allows you some "you time " and you can actually enjoy a grown up conversation with your friends whilst the kids have loads of fun. ❤ It's also great for my little ones physical development and social development as he gets to meet other kids having lots of fun there too.
Copyright Sewell's Party and Play 2022
Crazy Kingdom are trading as Sewell’s Party and Play Ltd | Company Registration Number : 11807650 | Registered in England & Wales | Registered Office Address and Postal Address : 2 Standard Court, Standard Way Business Park, Northallerton, England, DL6 2XH | | Phone: 01609 761596
Copyright Sewell's Party and Play 2022
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